
A Hellenic temple that is not Hellenic at all

Many of you know this "temple" from the article about Hellenismos on Wikipedia,[1] which we definitely cannot recommend because of the many errors in it. The problem with this "temple" is, it is not Hellenic, as you can see by the architectonic style. The "Modern Hellenic temple ... in Thessaloniki" (Wikipedia) belongs to the so-called "Group E(psilon)" ("Omada Epsilon"). The "Group" is part of the Archaeocentrism movement (also known as Hellenocentrism), a neo-Greek version of the New Age movement with elements of "Neopaganism," Ufo cult, pseudo-philology, ariosophy, christianity, messianism, the Bible, antisemitism, theosophy, Hellenic mythology and conspiracy theories. To some followers of "Epsilonism," as we call "Omada Epsilon," the Greek gods were ancient aliens that "created" the Greeks with their super-technology, to others they are "angels" of their alleged "one true god." Most of them are orthodox Christians, a few are "Neopagans" with a preference for ancient Greece and the theories of Euhemeros (the media calls them "worshipers of the twelve gods"). The first think Christianity is the authentic continuation of Hellenism (they also believe that the philosophers were monotheists and prophets of their "one true God"), the second think that Christianity is a "Jewish plot" against Hellenism and the "sacred Hellenic DNA" (they make the Jews, not the Christians, responsible for the destruction of Hellenism). It is therefore no wonder that no ethnic Hellene visited the "Temple of the Dodekatheon" (sic!), but the Orthodox fundamentalist politician Panagiotis Psomiadis did. The group behind the "Temple" calls itself "Club E" (from their website: https://www.omada-hepsilon.org/en/). So calling this a "Modern Hellenic temple" (Wikipedia) is like calling Hellenismos "neopagan." It's fake, just like the claim that the so-called "Church of Hellenes"   — and yes, they call themselves that (Dr. Freud sends greetings) — is part of Hellenismos, when in fact, they are not even allowed to publish articles from YSEE on their website. So, according to Wikipedia, Hellenismos does not only own a "temple" in Greece, no, we also have a "Church" with "divine" and "eternal dogmas" among us ("There is no forgiveness for ignorance and for questioning the eternal divine dogmas."), with a "dogma of faith" (!) and an "initiation rite" (!) that none of us have ever heard of.
Isn't that interesting? 

A popular Epsilon-theorist and author, Ioannis Fourakis, who was in conflict with YSEE at least since 2006, claimed just before he died in 2010 that the Ethnic Hellenic collectives have been founded by "Freemasons." "They all are frauds, including myself." Since then, Fourakis, who outed himself as a fraud, is used as a "proof" against Hellenismos, by fundamentalists and nationalists who claim that Hellenismos is the Freemasons' and Jews' tool to destroy Greece and "our Greek orthodox identity." Fourakis, so they say, revealed "from the inside" what was going on in the "Hellenocentric organizations," although Hellenismos is not even part of Hellenocentrism, and actually much older than all the Ufo and conspiracy theories. And, Fourakis, who, by the way, was a great devotee of the late orthodox archbishop Christodoulos, has never been an Ethnic Hellene. But the problem in Greece is, nobody differentiates between "Neopagans," "Epsilonists," Hellenocentrists and ethnic Hellenes. They all are just "Neopagans" or "Archaeolatres" ("worshipers of antiquity"). It is this propaganda or misinformation, still used by the orthodox Church against Hellenismos, that led so many people in Greece to the conclusion that Ethnic Hellenes are "Neopagans," the mentioned groups are all the same, ignoring the fact that Hellenismos has accused these groups for appropriating and distorting indigenous Hellenic culture. This is one of the reasons why ethnic Hellenic collectives are very careful in choosing the right words, to define terms, to speak and write in a precise, clear and unambiguous manner, in order to make it as difficult as possible for anti-Hellenes to deceive the innocent or harm us. 

What is the Hellenic stance on the so-called E-Group? Let's hear what YSEE has to say about them: "The fairy-tale about a messianic group of Super-Hellenes who are supposed to save us from our national enemies has been constructed with the clear purpose of trapping many uneducated or Messiah-worshipping people into the passivity of endlessly waiting for these non-existent saviours, in the same way as Christians are waiting for Jesus’ Second Coming. This fairy-tale aims at making people inert, appeasing them, putting them to sleep or driving them crazy. This blatant fraud aimed at exerting control over people is based on the fact that the willingness to take initiative and accountability are already non-existent in Modern Greeks, after their special preparation in orthodox schools, orthodox families and the relentless catechism that has been keeping Greece in byzantine darkness." (FAQ, no. 42). 

There's not much to be added to this, except perhaps the comment that the so-called "right wing Neopaganism" looks quite sane in comparison to Archaeocentrism. We have heard the most absurd stories from different archaeocentric authors or blogs. Stories you never thought you would hear from adults. Stories that are so full of ignorance and bizarre ideas, from people who consider themselves to be "Hellenes," because they speak Greek and have the "sacred blood of the Gods" running through their veins, which are "angels," "servants" of Jesus, the "only true God" of the Hellenes, whose coming the "Sibylline oracles" had prophesized (which are faked, that's why they are called "Pseudo-Sibylline Oracles," but anyway), who warn us, the "Greek Gods will punish" us if we reject their creator, Jesus Christ, or claim that Japanese culture is Hellenic in origin because of a silly interpretation: The Greek word for Japan is "Iaponia," which they interpret as "from" (apo) and "Ionians" (Ionia). In reality, however, "Japan" has a totally different origin: "1570s, via Portuguese Japao, Dutch Japan, acquired in Malacca from Malay (Austronesian) Japang, from Chinese jih pun, literally 'sunrise' (equivalent of Japanese Nippon), from jih 'sun' + pun 'origin.' Japan lies to the east of China. Earliest form in Europe was Marco Polo's Chipangu." (Source: https://www.etymonline.com/word/japan). 

But who cares about the truth? Who cares about science? The Hellenic language is the oldest language in the world, the Indo-Europeans a "jewish-zionist" invention, nationalism the ideology "of the ancient Greeks" (Encyclopedia Britannica: Nationalism: "Nationalism is a modern movement."), modern Greeks have the "blood of the Gods" running through their veins, and whoever dares to question these abominations against common sense, is a "traitor," "Jewish agent," even an "anti-Hellene" (an accusation that reflects their delirious idea of being "Hellenic," even though they are unable to define Hellenism). They talk a lot about "the truth," "secrets that they hide from us," "the truth they don't want you to know" etc. but they haven't been able yet to shake off the lies they have been told about indigenous Hellenic culture or to decontaminate their minds from the brainwashing nationalist ideology in "Greek" schoolbooks. They have learned all the fancy conspiracy theories, the dusty western European "race" concepts from the 18th century, and still they are slaves of the nationally correct faked historiography of the self-appointed "Greek state" that recognizes no Hellenic ethnocide. This whole movement is not just alien to indigenous Hellenic culture, but an insult to human intelligence.

The truth is, we have no sanctuaries in Greece, nor did we build any temples. It wasn't possible because of financial reasons up to now. We have purified spaces we can use for the sacred rites, spaces that serve as "temples." In Lymbia, Cyprus, we have the unfinished Temple of Zeus Olympios, but the the temple construction is stagnating due to the financial crisis. This temple belongs to YSEE Cyprus. 

There are no other temples of Hellenismos, not in Greece nor in Cyprus. For now.
Things will change. There will be new Hellenic temples in Greece again, perhaps in the next cycle of time, when Archaeocentrism and the other heads of the monotheistic Hydra will be nothing more than a disturbing memory in the collective mind of the Hellenic people.

[1] Source of the picture: Wikimedia, URL: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cf/Hellen_temple_in_Thessaloniki%2C_Greece.png

For more information about "Epsilonism": https://sites.google.com/site/programmeepsilonproject/greek-epsilon-team

Temple of Olympian Zeus in Cyprus: https://www.facebook.com/Modern-Temple-of-Zeus-Cyprus-983400285067375/