
Maoist China destroys places of Chinese religion

Leninist-Maoist China destroys places of worship of ethnic Chinese religion, "claiming that they are illegal." "Folk temples ... were regarded as part of the 'Four Olds' – old customs, culture, habits, and ideas – during the Cultural Revolution and were shut down or destroyed. Under the rule of President Xi Jinping, the folk temples suffer calamity once again." (Source: BitterWinter, Crackdown on China’s Folk Religions: 6,000 Temples Destroyed).

This is why so many of us ethnic Hellenes are against the ideologies of modernity, leninism, maoism, capitalism, nationalism and other forms of political monotheism, not due to ideological reasons, of course, (you know that [in Greece] nationalists see us as internationalists and internationalists as nationalists, unable to think outside the bubbles of their political fetishes) but for practical reasons concerning our ethnic identity, because these ideologies are not only foreign to ethnic religions but a danger to them. What is happening today in China can happen in Greece tomorrow (again). So we must have our eyes open and be ready to respond appropriately at any time.