
Wikipedia tells you everything Hellenism is not

First published on hellenismos.org on June 21, 2021.

Wikipedia's updated article on «Hellenism (religion)» is a masterpiece of propaganda and misinformation. Reading it you learn everything Hellenismos is not. The authors interpret the Hellenic revitalization and re-Indigenization as «revivalism.» They do not mention Plethon or Marullus, Kyriakos of Ancona or the Hellenic Jacobins. Not once. The focus here lies solely on «Ancient Greece,» without being concrete. Are they referring to Archaic Sparta, Classical Athens or Hellenistic Corinth? And why are they looking to ancient times to «explain» Hellenism? Where is the circle of Plethon, the «stratioti», the «Attiki Etaireia» (Attic Society), in short: Hellenism's living presence? Nobody knows. If the authors believe that Hellenes are trying to «reconstruct» an ancient past, they are not qualified to write such an entry.

A culture is defined by its present form. Just like Hindus are not «reconstructing» an ancient Hinduism and Japanese are not practicing ancient Shinto, Hellenes are not living in some undefined ancient time. Apart from this, it would make no sense to «reconstruct» the «ancient Greek religion,» simply because the ancestral cults are much more dominated by local than by pan-Hellenic moments. It would not make sense for a Pontic Greek (Ionian tribe) to «reconstruct» the cults of the Spartans (Dorian tribe) or to worship the city-god of Athens. The entry is full of generalized statements, omissions and contextless references. And Wikipedia is no exception. (For example, most articles about Hellenismos written in English contain extremely disconcerting claims.)

Instead of writing something about the «Attiki Etaireia» or the cult of St. Demeter in the village of Eleusis, they talk about Hermeticism, Wicca and neopaganism (or more correctly Neo-Occultism), which is the exact opposite of Hellenism, and quite anti-Hellenic, at least when it comes to its AngloAmerican branch (a brief look at Reddit will give you a good idea of what paganism's intolerance and toxicity against the Hellenes looks like).

On top of that, the writers have not even bothered to differentiate between Hellenes and Hellenists, or at least to explain what a Hellenist is, namely a person who is Greek in language, style and way of life. And to cap it all, they confuse «Hellenic» or «Greek» with «Hellenistic.» It appears they are not interested in explaining Hellenism, rather they are interested in directing people how to think about it.

They also do not differentiate between Hellenic organizations and non-Hellenic polytheistic organizations. By doing so, they mislead the public and distort the nature of Hellenic organizations. Most Hellenic organizations are not just religious communities but safe havens, places where our people can safely express their ethno-cultural identity without having to worry about discrimination or others misunderstanding them. The non-Hellenic organizations mentioned in the text (Hellenion, Neokoroi, Elaion) do not play a role in Hellenism. We do not know them and we are certainly not responsible for what they do, say or believe. They simply bear no relevance to our people.

The whole entry evokes a wrong mental image in the reader's mind. The very first sentence is wrong: Hellenism is not a «religious movements» [sic!] but the indigenous culture of the Hellenic people. It is our customs, history, identity, fatherland, the stories of our grandfathers, our grandmothers' traditional fig jam, our culture of memory, the language we dream in. The organised collective effort for the revitalization of our ancestral ways, known as re-Hellenization (Epanellinisi), is an indigenous cultural movement; it is not just about religion. It is about the indigenous Hellenic culture as a whole. This alone shows that the internal perspective and self-understanding of the Hellenic people is irrelevant to the author/authors, which in turn discredits the entry.

Actually, the article is reminiscent less of an encyclopedia entry than of narratives written and spread by neopagan colonialists who, as the Supreme Council of ethnic Hellenes (YSEE) has rightly said, disguise themselves «as ‹Hellenes› for reasons that exist hidden within the depths of their own minds.» Hellenism is under attack in the New Age Movement. Therefore, using typical pagan concepts and terms in order to define or allegedly «explain» Hellenism to the public is frivolous if not deceptive. And to be quite honest: using Wikipedia in order to impose one's culturally determined views, values and concepts on another culture or cultural group, is deplorable and disgusting. The terminology used by the author/authors reflects a very specific and well-known attitude toward ethnic religions that is anything but Hellenic. Considering that this is an attitude that is opposed not only by the Hellenes but also by the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota people (see «Declaration of War Against Exploiters of Lakota Spirituality», June 1993), we must ask ourselves the question: what purpose does Wikipedia's entry on Hellenism serve? The answer may be different depending on the indicators or characteristics considered. Only one thing is certain: it is not intended to be enlightening for the public.

After reading this entry and some other articles, I am glad that most sources of medieval and later Hellenism, including the relevant ethnographic material, have not been translated to other languages and are accessible only in Greek. Knowledge is power, and power is used too often as a weapon to harm and destroy. After centuries of persecution, expropriation and genocide we do not need more weapons to fall into the wrong hands.

I took the time to compile all statements in the text that are false and, of course, not backed up by any source, credible or not. In the end, it becomes obvious that the entry neither meets encyclopedic standards nor is it culture historically correct.

Wikipedia entry «Hellenism (religion)», all false statements:

- More broadly, Hellenic Polytheism describes groups ... various religious movements which revive or reconstruct ancient Greek religious practices, and which have publicly emerged since the 1990s.

- The phrase Hellenic Polytheistic Reconstructionism refers specifically to the methodology used by some practitioners to recreate the religion based on academic sources, rather than the religion itself, and not all Hellenic Polytheists are reconstructionists.

- Modern Hellenists believe that by living up to one's full potential.

- The festivals typically commemorate events in Greek history, honoring deities that the festivals celebrate, and connote spiritual themes.

- The majority of modern historians agree that the religion practiced by the ancient Greeks had been extinguished by the 9th century CE at the latest and that there is little to no evidence that it survived (in public form at least) past the Middle Ages.

- Emically speaking, "revival" accurately describes the religious activity occurring in Greece (and its diaspora) since one of the main hallmarks is group gatherings and public festival celebrations.

- Revivalists view Hellenic Polytheism as a living, changing religion. Hellenic Revivalism allows room for practitioners to decide what feels right to them, and to adapt historical religious practices to modern life.

- In contrast to revivalist traditions, Reconstructionists are culturally oriented and attempt to reconstruct historical forms of religion and spirituality, in a modern context. Therefore, Kemetic, Canaanite, Hellenic, Roman, Celtic, Germanic, Baltic and Slavic Reconstructionists aim for the revival of historical practices and beliefs of ... Ancient Greece.

- Most Hellenic polytheist groups unequivocally state that reconstructionism is not the only correct method of practicing the ancient Greek religion

- The first successful revival attempt was made by the Supreme Council of Ethnikoi Hellenes (or YSEE).

- The first modern Hellenic temple dedicated to the Hellenic Gods was started in 1994 just outside Thessaloniki in the village of Oraiokastro and completed in 2009. Another temple, dedicated to Alexander and the Earth opened in the nearby village of Mesaia in 2019. [These so-called Hellenic temples belong to the Omada-Epsilon that have a modern atheistic ideology.]